Source code for mmodel.visualizer

import graphviz
from copy import deepcopy
from mmodel.metadata import nodeformatter
import re

default_graph_settings = {
    "graph_attr": {
        "labelloc": "t",
        "labeljust": "l",
        "splines": "ortho",
        "ordering": "out",
    "node_attr": {"shape": "box"},

[docs]def format_label(label): r"""Format label for graphviz. The function replaces newlines with the graphviz left-aligned line break. However, if the "\n" is escaped, change it to "\\\\n". """ return re.sub(r"(?<!\\)\n", r"\\l", label).replace("\\n", "\\\\n") + r"\l"
[docs]class Visualizer: """Visualizer class for drawing a *NetworkX* graph.""" def __init__( self, format_node, format_edge, graph_settings={**default_graph_settings}, ): self.graph_settings = graph_settings self.format_node = staticmethod(format_node) self.format_edge = staticmethod(format_edge) def __call__(self, G, label=None, outfile=None): """Draw the graph based on the object.""" label = label.replace("\n", r"\l") + r"\l" settings = deepcopy(self.graph_settings) settings["graph_attr"].update({"label": label}) dot_graph = graphviz.Digraph(, **settings) for node, ndict in G.nodes(data=True): node_str = self.format_node(node, ndict) nlabel = format_label(node_str) dot_graph.node(node, label=nlabel) for u, v, edict in G.edges(data=True): edge_str = self.format_edge(u, v, edict) xlabel = format_label(edge_str) dot_graph.edge(u, v, xlabel=xlabel) if outfile: dot_graph.render(outfile=outfile) return dot_graph
plain_visualizer = Visualizer(lambda node, ndict: node, lambda u, v, edict: "") visualizer = Visualizer( lambda node, ndict: nodeformatter(ndict["node_object"]), lambda u, v, edict: edict["output"], )