

The mmodel package is developed as a backend for our simulation package mrfmsim to tackle some frustrations of the scientific coding process [1], [2]. Often, public or in-house scientific packages do not address the varying programming levels among graduate students in a scientific research group. Due to the nature of graduate students wanting to focus on the effort of the result, the code written is often lacks quality and not well tested (unit test or code review). The code review requires a review of the simulation’s scientific model and the code written. Both are difficult to do, especially for experiments with complex components. For our complex systems, we often have shared parts, yet they follow non-sequential execution steps. Because of its complexity, students often simulate experiments without knowing the underlying experimental model or structure.

mmodel attempts to help with some of the issues outlined above. mmodel focuses on building a modular framework, easy-to-test individual components, and providing visualization for complex models.

How does it work?#

mmodel uses a two-stage system to construct a Python callable that behaves like a Python function — graph and model.

The graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) to represent a non-linear the procedure, with nodes presenting individual functions and edges representing parameter flow. The graph is created with a custom NetworkX graph class while retaining all of its graph algorithms and methods. The class Graph handles the graph construction.

The model can be created given the graph, the graph handler, and the modifiers. The model is a Python executable object that behaves like a Python function. Specifically, the handler creates the workflow that executes each node, and modifiers are Python wrappers (closure/decorators) that can modify the nodes and the graph. The class Model handles the model construction. Constructing a model using a directed graph allows for clear execution steps, error messages, and easy testing. Notably, we can modify the subgraph easily without changing the model, which is efficient in terms of performance and code writing. For example, we can create a loop of the subgraph when looping the whole model is time-consuming due to matrix operation components outside of the loop.


mmodel intends to be the framework that packages build upon, and we follow some of the fundamental philosophies:

Separation of graph model and model execution#

The graph model and execution steps are separated. This design allows for future modification and optimization of model execution, albeit new software implementation (parallel) or hardware (GPU, cloud computing) without needing to modify existing graph.


The graph node can be a simple function without any added syntax. All modifiers are closure decorators with limited overhead to the node or system. The lightweight nature allows for better performance and easier modification of the model components.

Prioritize execution performance#

The most time-consuming components, for example, creating a new model and determining execution steps, occur at import or model initialization times. Therefore, the overhead spent on the runtime is as small as possible.


Since mmodel is intended as a framework for scientific packages, we want to make the API and model-building process as explicit as possible. See mrfmsim for some of our high-level design choices.
