
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning


Major changes to internal APIs. Only Python >= 3.10 are supported. The signature binding behavior is rewritten to reduce node overhead.


  • Reduce the amount of signature binding behavior to reduce node overhead.
    • The internal function calls are keyword only.

    • The Model and Node class instance calls can be positional or keyword arguments with proper binding and error messages.

  • Change Python requirement to 3.10.

  • Change ModelGraph to Graph.

  • Change draw module to visualizer module.

    • Change node definition to Node object.

  • Change the plotting diagram method to visualize and use “outfile” to export.

  • Custom metadata and plotting are through MetadataFormatter and Visualizer class objects.

  • Node function parameters are positional or keyword arguments instead of keyword only.

  • Default values can only be applied to Model class objects.

  • Change Model “description” attribute to “doc”.

  • Node.edit, Graph.edit_node, Model.edit, and Model.edit_node methods to modify and generate new nodes, graphs, and model objects.

  • Handler’s additional arguments are supplied as a dictionary using “handler_kwargs” parameter when instantiating Model object.

  • loop_modifier adds “_loop” to the function signature parameter.

  • Improved node exception messages.

  • Change the edge attribute from “var” to “output”.

  • Change attribute undefined message.


  • Remove shorcut module.


  • Add node module for node definition.

  • Add signature module for function signature operations.

  • Add “inputs” length checking during node definition.

  • Add order attribute to the Model class to show the node execution order.

[0.6.2] - 2023-06-23#


  • set_node_object accepts additional keyword arguments.

  • Allow modifier_shortcut to change the model name.

[0.6.1] - 2023-4-18#


  • Fix issue #14, where the escaped “\n” does not display correctly in the graphviz dot graph.

[0.6.0] - 2023-4-17#

Version 0.6.0 is a major update with a new Model and modifier API. The new API aims to simplify the model definitions and allow for external Python decorators.


  • The “handler” argument in the Model class takes the handler class, and additional parameters are passed to the Model class as keyword arguments.

  • The modifiers are now defined as proper decorators to facilitate the integration with decorators from other Python libraries.

  • The “modifier” argument in the ModelGraph and Model class takes the modifier after the argument definition.

  • Modifier naming change to simplify the definition.

  • Node object definition allows user-defined attributes.


  • Add shortcut module.

  • Add a lambda parser that attempts to extract lambda function expression.

  • Add profile_time modifier.

  • Add metadata parsing ability to modifiers.

[0.5.2] - 2023-3-30#


  • Fix the issue where deepcopy does not copy the “_parser” attribute.

  • Fix the inconsistency of format in metadata when the object doesn’t have a name.


  • Change the subgraph from a view to a copy of the graph.

[0.5.1] - 2023-3-29#


  • Fix the issue modify_node doesn’t remove the old modifiers.


  • Change “executor” to a private Model class attribute Model._executor.

  • Change test node functions and docstring for consistency.

  • Change the “full” style to “verbose” in metadata and drawing methods.


  • Add “order” attribute to the Model class to show the order of the execution.

  • Add “metadata” module to format metadata information.

  • Add graph information to model metadata.

[0.5.0] - 2023-3-15#

The package is moved to Marohn Group.

API Change#

  • Change graph API where individual nodes can only have a single output.

  • Change node attribute “base_func” to “_func”.

  • Change model attribute “base_graph” to “graph”.

  • Change edge attribute “val” to “var”.

  • Change view_node to node_metadata.

  • Change util.modify_subgraph function to util.replace_subgraph.

  • Change subgraph_by_parameters and subgraph_by_returns to subnodes_by_inputs and subnodes_by_outputs.

  • Change model_signature and model_returns to modelgraph_signature and modelgraph_returns add both as methods in the graph class.

  • Change “returns” to “output”. The value should be a string.

  • Parameter “returns” is a Model exclusive parameter that denotes the graph output.

  • Change Model.get_node_object to Model.get_node_func, the base function is returned.


  • Fix the issue where modify subgraph cannot add inputs or modifiers.

  • Fix the issue in tests that node attributes are not compared in graph_equal().

  • Fix the issue that the original graph freezes when creating a model.

  • Fix the inconsistency between node and model metadata.

  • Fix the issue that “None” is included in the returns list.


  • Model string output wraps each line at 80 characters.

  • signature_modifier can modify the function with “kwargs”.

  • Default keyword argument does not show up in the model signature.

  • Model’s graph checking generates more detailed exception messages.

  • Allow isolated graphs in the model (for single-node models).

  • The subgraph method of the graph is modified to create a subgraph with inputs and outputs.

  • model.graph is a property method. A new copy of the graph is created every time.

  • Specified inputs are no longer added to the modifier list, and the base function is modified.

  • Model and graph drawing no longer take method as input. Instead, three style options are given, plain, short, and full.


  • Add graph modification when less than graph returns are specified.

  • Add “__name__” attribute to handler instance.

  • pos_signature_modifier allows for node objects to have positional-only parameters.

  • Graph node definition allows for built-in and numpy.ufunc functions.

  • Graph node inputs allow default value with a (parameter, default) tuple.

  • Add name attribute to Model.

  • Add export to graph and model’s draw method.

  • Add a “parser” module that parses functions based on different types.

  • Add function documentation in metadata.

  • Add Python 3.11 testing with tox.

[0.4.0] - 2022-10-3#

Handler API is rewritten.


  • Fix object str label alignment, to the left for the graph and model.

  • Fix an H5Handler issue that prevents it from writing objects.

  • Fix a bug that intermediate nodes output is not included in the final output.


  • The set_node_object() allows for “inputs” parameters for adjusting node function input parameters.

  • Modifier functions from decorator to closure (both works).

  • Modifier list contains the arguments when supplied.

  • Handler arguments are supplied with the handler class.

  • The draw graph method no longer has a default value.

  • Model docstring is tied to the model instead of the graph, use “description” for long docstring.

  • The ‘name’ attribute is required for Model instances.

  • Include note information in node execute exception.


  • Add custom dictionary MemData` as MemHandler’s data instance.

  • Add custom class H5Data as H5Handler’s data instance.

  • Add “returns” parameter to Model.


  • The ‘info’ attribute is no longer used in modifiers and handlers.

  • the “model” and “node” are no longer appended to the model and node string output.

[0.3.1] - 2022-06-12#


  • Fix duplicated test name.


  • Add Github action as the CI tool.


  • Node and model string output.

  • Change Python minimum requirement to 3.8

[0.3.0] - 2022-06-12#


  • Add subgraph_by_returns filters graph by node returns.

  • Add _is_valid_model method graph for Model class to validate graph for building model executable.

  • Add draw method to ModelGraph and Model classes.

  • Add get_node and get_node_object methods to Model class.

  • Add view_node``to ``ModelGraph and Model classes.

  • Add deepcopy method to ModelGraph because graph.copy method is a shallow copy.


  • Move subgraph_by_nodes and subgraph_by_parameters to filter module

  • Change Model and handlers parameter “model_graph” to “graph”.

  • Change Model no longer accept handler arguments (unify behavior of modifiers and handlers).

  • Change Model instance str now shows modifier information.

  • Modifiers with parameters required to have the “info” attribute set to the wrapper (the closure that takes the function as the first parameter). The “info” is used to show the modifier information in the model instance.

  • The modify_subgraph no longer store the subgraph information as a node attribute.

  • The Model._graph is a copy of the original graph and is frozen. The same graph is used to create the handler object.

  • Change graph add_node_object and add_node_objects_from to set_node_object and set_node_object_from.


  • Fix modify_subgraph changes original graph attributes.

  • Fix ModelGraph shares the same class attribute across instances.

[0.2.2] - 2022-05-06#


  • Add modifiers input argument to ModelGraph.set_node_object, allowing modifiers to be applied to nodes.

  • Add signature_modifier that changes the function signature.

  • Add signature_binding_modifier that adds binding and checking to the wrapped function.

[0.2.1] - 2022-05-02#


  • Add add_grouped_edges_from that adds edges in groups.

  • Add add_returns as additional input to the model. The parameter is used to output intermediate values in the returns.

  • Add tox command for different python version test environments: py38, py39, coverage, and docs. The latter two check test coverage and build sphinx docs.


  • Change node attribute rts to returns.

  • Change add_linked_edge to add_grouped_edge.

  • Change add_edge and add_edges_from updates graph edge attributes.

  • Move mmodel build method from setuptools to poetry.

[0.2.0] - 2022-04-27#

Version 0.2.0 changed the model building from inheritance to composition. Model class is used to create an executable.


  • Add zip_loop_modifier modifier that zips multiple arguments for loop.


  • Change loop construction to a modifier.

  • Change MGraph to ModelGraph.

  • Model graph allows node definition without node object.

  • Model graph allows linked edges to simplify graph definition with add_linked_edges_from.

  • Model graph node attributes do not need to provide. key with update_node_object and update_node_objects_from.

[0.1.1] - 2022-04-06#


  • Add doc attribute for MGraph.

  • Add draw_graph() method to MGraph and model classes.

  • Add __repr__ for MGraph and model classes.


  • Remove name input for Model and loop_parameter.

  • Generate model names and looped subgraph names automatically.

  • Remove title input for draw_graph.

  • Change model attribute graph to G, to avoid confusion on the graph’s inherent attribute graph.

  • Separate draw_plain_graph() and draw_graph(), the former shows a simplified version of the graph, and the latter shows all graph details.

  • Graph title outputs detailed descriptions of the model instance and graph instance.

  • Node attribute “return_params” to “returns”.

  • Edge attribute “interm_params” to “parameters”.

[0.1.0] - 2022-04-02#


  • Add class MGraph for constructing default graphs.

  • Add class PlainModel for constructing callable from graphs.

  • Add class Model for constructing callable from graphs with memory management.

  • Add class H5Model for constructing callable from graphs with h5 data storage.

  • Add function wrapper basic_loop that creates a basic loop for models.

  • Add function draw_graph for drawing DAG graphs.