Source code for mmodel.filter

"""Filters that used to create subgraph."""
import networkx as nx

[docs]def subnodes_by_inputs(graph, inputs: list) -> list: """Obtain a list of subgraph nodes based on node inputs. If a parent node is included, so are the child nodes. :return: list of node names """ subgraph_nodes = [] for node, sig in nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "signature").items(): sig_params = sig.parameters for param in inputs: if param in sig_params: subgraph_nodes.append(node) subgraph_nodes.extend(nx.descendants(graph, node)) return subgraph_nodes
[docs]def subnodes_by_outputs(graph, outputs: list) -> list: """Obtain a list of subgraph nodes based on node outputs. For mmodel graphs, outputs from all the internal nodes are unique. Therefore the function only checks if function nodes overlap with the target return list. If a child node is included, so are the parent nodes. :return: list of node names """ subgraph_nodes = [] for node, output in nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "output").items(): if output in outputs: subgraph_nodes.append(node) subgraph_nodes.extend(nx.ancestors(graph, node)) return subgraph_nodes