Plugin features#

Here, we showcase several plugin packages. See Plugin for more details. The plugin packages are automatically loaded if they are installed in the same environment as the mrfmsim package.

Unit Plugin#

mrfmsim-unit plugin is a package that handles units and unit conversions for the mrfmsim base unit system. The plugin is installed by default.

The plugin is based on the pint package, and provides a registry with mrfmsim base units pre-defined. The quantity also has quick conversion method to_base_units() to convert to the base units.

from mrfmsim_unit.unit import MRFMUnitRegistry

mureg = MRFMUnitRegistry()
a = 0.1 * mureg.micrometer
b = 1.0 * mureg.nanometer

>>> a * b
0.1 nm µm

>>> (a * b).to_base_units()
100.0 nm^2

>>> # (a * b).to_base_units().magnitude
>>> # (a * b).base_magnitude
>>> (a * b).bm

The mrfmsim components do not accept pint.Quantity. Only the magnitude should be supplied to the components. The plugin provides a getattr method to access the quantity with units.

magnet = SphereMagnet(radius=50.0, mu0_Ms=1800.0, origin=[0.0, 0.0, 50.0])
r = mureg.getattr(magnet, "radius")

>>> r
50.0 nm
>>> r ** 2
2500.0 nm^2

Command line interface plugin#

The command line interface is provided by the mrfmsim-cli plugin. The plugin is installed by default.

To view the CLI options:

mrfmsim --help

To show the experiment metadata:

mrfmsim --exp name_of_exp metadata

To draw the experiment graph:

mrfmsim --exp name_of_exp visualize

Three-dimensional plot plugin#

To facilitate the visualization of three-dimensional experiment results, for example, the magnetic field, polarization, and signal distribution, we created the mrfmsim-plot plugin that provides conversion from the experiment data to the mayavi mlab and PyVista data objects.