

Often, experiments that share similar nodes in a graph. We can use a Collection object to avoid duplication to define the nodes and edges. In a collection, we define the “node_objects” list to include all the node objects necessary for the experiment, along with the collection name and description. Typically, the experiments under collection share the same experiment parameters, such as “component” and “modifiers”. These parameters are defined in the “settings” dictionary.

For individual experiments, we can define the experiment parameters in the nested “instruction” dictionary. The keys are the experiment names, and the values are the parameter dictionary. The parameter dictionary is required to have “grouped_edges” as a key. Additional experiment parameters can be added, and they overwrite the “settings” dictionary.

from mrfmsim import ExperimentCollection

node_objects = [
    Node("add", np.add, inputs=["a", "h"], output="c"),
    Node("subtract", operator.sub, inputs=["c", "d"], output="e"),
    Node("power", math.pow, inputs=["c", "f"], output="g"),
    Node("multiply", np.multiply, inputs=["e", "g"], output="k", output_unit="m^2"),
    Node("log", math.log, inputs=["c", "b"], output="m"),

grouped_edges = [
    ("add", ["subtract", "power", "log"]),
    (["subtract", "power"], "multiply"),

instruction = {"grouped_edges": grouped_edges, "doc": "Test individual docstring."}
collection = ExperimentCollection(
    "Test collection description.",
    {"test": instruction},

The above code creates a Collection object that contains one experiment “test”.

>>> print(collection)
experiments: ['test']
nodes: ['add', 'subtract', 'power', 'multiply', 'log']

Test collection description.

The experiment is stored as Experiment object in the Collection object. The experiment can be accessed the same way as a dictionary:

>>> test_experiment = collection["test"]
>>> print(test_experiment)
test(a, b, d, f, h)
returns: (k, m)
return_units: {'k': 'm^2'}
collection: test_collection_object
graph: test_graph
handler: MemHandler

Test individual docstring.