The mrfmsim package was originally designed as a simulation package for the MRFM experiment. For previous development, please see the archived package mrfmsim_archived. The previous versions of MRFM used an object-oriented design, which is restrictive to modifications and specific to the Marohn group. The community’s interest in the author’s presentation at Nano-MRI: The next generation prompted the development of a modular and extendable platform to work with different experiment models, whether from various prototyping stages or other groups. To achieve the flexibility, we developed mmodel package as a backend for mrfmsim, allowing us to use directed acyclic graphs (DAG) to define experiments. The graph backend allows modular experiment definition and fast modification to existing models. mrfmsim extends the mmodel framework by adding physical models and calculations specific to MRFM experiments.
Here, we use a Cornell-style CERMIT ESR experiment as an example
The notebook with all the codes on this page is available at
We define the necessary inputs for the experiment:
from mrfmsim.component import SphereMagnet, Grid, Sample, Cantilever
sample = Sample(
magnet = SphereMagnet(magnet_radius=3300.0, mu0_Ms=440.0, magnet_origin=[0, 0, 3300])
grid = Grid(grid_shape=[400, 1200, 8], grid_step=[25, 25, 25], grid_origin=[0, 0, -100])
cantilever = Cantilever(k_c=7.8e5, f_c=4.975e6)
# define the input parameters
B1 = 1.3e-3 # transverse magnetic field
mw_x_0p = 100 # zero to peak amplitude of the cantilever motion [nm]
B0 = 500 # external field [mT]
f_rf = 19e9 # microwave frequency [Hz]
h = [0, 0, 1450] # tip sample separation [nm]
We can view the summary of the Sample object.
>>> print(sample)
spin = 'e'
T1 = 1.300e-03 s
T2 = 4.500e-07 s
temperature = 11.000 K
spin_density = 0.500 1/nm^3
Gamma = 1.761e+08 rad/(s.mT)
J = 0.5
dB_hom = 0.023 mT
dB_sat = 0.000 mT
graph representation and metadata#
The graph representation of the experiment allows us to visualize the steps of the experiment easily. The metadata shows the experiment’s signature, returns, description, and more.
To access a standalone experiment model:
from mrfmsim.experiment import IBMCyclic
>>> print(IBMCyclic)
IBMCyclic(B0, df_fm, f_rf, grid, h, magnet, sample)
returns: (dF2_spin, dF_spin)
graph: ibm_cyclic_graph
handler: MemHandler
Simulate an IBM-style cyclic-inversion magnetic resonance force microscope
To access an experiment model from a experiment group:
# print c summary
# list experiments
CermitESR = CermitESRGroup['CermitESR']
To printout the metadata of the model:
CermitESR(B0, B1, cantilever, f_rf, grid, h, magnet, mw_x_0p, sample)
returns: df_spin
group: CermitESR
graph: CermitESR_graph
handler: MemHandler
CERMIT ESR experiment for a large tip.
To draw the graph of the model:
Model Modification#
A key feature of modular modeling is that it directly allows quick modification of existing models. The result is a much faster development cycle for experiment simulation.
Modify nodes - runtime profiling#
We can easily profile the performance of the target nodes by
applying modifiers to the desired nodes. To edit individual nodes,
use the edit_node
function from the model that returns a new
Using the “CermitESR” experiment model, we can inspect the run time of “minimum absolute x offset” and “relative polarization change” performance:
from mmodel.modifier import profile_time
mods = CermitESR.get_node_object("rel_dpol sat").modifiers
CermitESR_profile = CermitESR.edit_node("rel_dpol sat", modifiers=mods + [profile_time(10)])
>>> signal = CermitESR_profile(B0, B1, cantilever, f_rf, grid, h, magnet, mw_x_0p, sample)
rel_dpol_sat_steadystate - 10 loops, best of 1: 30.27 ms per loop
Modify returns - output intermediate values#
To output intermediate values, we can directly change the returns.
To output the intermediate values of “f_rf” and “dk_spin” and the result of “df_spin”:
CermitESR_intermediate = CermitESR.edit(returns=["f_rf", "dk_spin", "df_spin"])
>>> CermitESR_intermediate(B0, B1, cantilever, f_rf, grid, h, magnet, mw_x_0p, sample)
(19000000000.0, -0.0024141111050284525, -0.0034656991967769407)
The returned values are in the same order as the returns list.
Modify model - optimal looping#
For a complex model, we want to optimize the parameter loop so that only nodes that are dependent on the target parameter are looped. For example, in many MRFM experiments, we need to first calculate the field and field gradient generated by the tip of the magnet. The subsequent calculation involves a large three-dimensional matrix operations. Depending on the size of the simulation grid, the matrix operations can be very computationally intensive.
If we want to simulate the change of the signal over a wide range of external field (\(B_0\)) and microwave frequency (\(f_\mathrm{rf}`\)), we would want to avoid repeated calculations of unnecessary components that are independent of the two parameters.
The graph-based experiment model can automatically determine the optimal loop location and generate a new model with the desired loops. The looping can be added at the node level using modifiers or adjusted at the model level using shortcuts.
To loop the “f_rf” parameter (use the cermitesr_stdout model to print out the intermediate values):
from mmodel.shortcut import loop_shortcut
CermitESR_frf_loop = loop_shortcut(CermitESR, "f_rf", name="CermitESR_frf_Loop")
To loop the “B0” parameter on top of “f_rf”:
CermitESR_B0_frf_loop = loop_shortcut(
CermitESR_frf_loop, "B0", name="CermitESR_B0frf_Loop"
The model can be executed by supplying lists for “B0” and “f_rf”:
import numpy as np
B0_list = np.arange(500, 900, 200) # external field [mT]
f_rf_list = np.arange(18.5e9, 19.5e9, 0.5e9) # microwave frequency [Hz]
>>> CermitESR_B0_frf_loop(
[[-0.005362279436110155, -0.003465699196776941],
[0.0071300149234139135, 0.02300114588870745]]
The loop_shortcut
changes the parameter name to {parameter}_loop
to distinguish the iterable input from the original input type.
For the 2 by 2 loop, the output is:
[[func(B0[0], f_rf[0]), func(B0[0], f_rf[1])],
[func(B0[1], f_rf[0]), func(B0[1], f_rf[1])]]
This is equivalent to the result from the following loops:
for B0 in B0_list:
for f_rf in f_rf_list:
Note that for individual parameters, the loop shortcut can achieve optimal looping. However, for multiple parameters, users must decide which parameter to loop first. Since all nodes that are dependent on “f_rf” also depend on “B_0”, we loop “f_rf” first.
Modify nodes - print out node input and output values#
Sometimes, we only want to inspect the intermediate value instead of adding
them to returns. To achieve this, we can add print-related modifiers
and modifier.print_ouput
to individual nodes.
To simplify the process, the shortcut shortcut.print_shortcut
can automatically
apply print statements to the nodes. The print format
uses the keyword python format string. Additional keyword arguments for the print
function, such as end
, flush
, and file
can be
added directly to the shortcut function.
Here we show how to output the input “B0”, “f_rf” and “df_spin” during the execution:
from mmodel.shortcut import print_shortcut
print_model = print_shortcut(
CermitESR, ["B0 = {B0:.2f} mT", "f_rf = {f_rf:.2f} Hz", "df_spin = {df_spin:.2e} Hz"]
>>> signal = print_model(B0, B1, cantilever, f_rf, grid, h, magnet, mw_x_0p, sample)
B0 = 500.00 mT
f_rf = 1.90e+10 Hz
df_spin = -3.47e-03 Hz
The print shortcut only adds modifiers to individual nodes. They do not interfere with the looping modification.