Source code for tests.test_formula.test_field

from mrfmsim.formula import (
import numpy as np
import pytest

[docs] def test_B_offset(): """Test B_offset. Test the nucleus. """ Gamma = 267.5222005 # rad MHz/T B_tot = 4.6973188 # T f_rf = 200 # rad MHz assert np.isclose(B_offset(B_tot, f_rf, Gamma), 0)
[docs] def test_min_abs_offset(): """Test min_abs_x.""" matrix_a = np.random.rand(30, 20, 10) - 0.3 # lower 0 crossing chance grid_ext = 2 # follow the behavior of extend x_0p both sides window = grid_ext * 2 + 1 offset_min_calc = min_abs_offset(matrix_a, grid_ext) # a python loop for the logic new_shape = (matrix_a.shape[0] - window + 1,) + matrix_a.shape[1:] offset_min_exp = np.zeros(new_shape) for i in range(new_shape[0]): matrix_offset_max = np.amax(matrix_a[i : i + window, :, :], axis=0) matrix_offset_min = np.amin(matrix_a[i : i + window, :, :], axis=0) minabs_pos = np.argmin(abs(matrix_a[i : i + window, :, :]), axis=0) for j in range(new_shape[1]): for k in range(new_shape[2]): if not ((matrix_offset_max[j, k] > 0) & (matrix_offset_min[j, k] < 0)): offset_min_exp[i, j, k] = abs(matrix_a[i : i + window, :, :])[ minabs_pos[j, k], j, k ] assert np.array_equal(offset_min_calc, offset_min_exp)
[docs] def test_min_abs_offset_symmetry(): """Test if min_abs_x result is symmetric. If a matrix is flipped, the result should also be flipped """ matrix_a = np.random.rand(20, 10, 5) - 0.3 matrix_b = np.flip(matrix_a, axis=0) ext_pts = 2 offset_min_a = min_abs_offset(matrix_a, ext_pts) offset_min_b = min_abs_offset(matrix_b, ext_pts) assert np.array_equal(offset_min_a, np.flip(offset_min_b, axis=0))
[docs] class TestXTrapzFxDtheta: """Test xtrapz_fxdtheta."""
[docs] def test_xtrapz_fxdtheta_cos(self): r"""Test xtrapz_fxdtheta against :math: `\cos{x}dx` Let's consider the field method returns 1, the Trapezoid integral should return the value of .. math:: \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}{x_0 \cos\theta d\theta} The results: (-pi/2 -> 0): x0 (-pi -> 0): 0 """ def method(x): """A function that is independent of x.""" return np.ones(x.size) ogrid = [np.linspace(0, 3, 3)] x0 = 3 trapz_pts = 20 # range from -pi, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3,) assert pytest.approx(integral, 1e-3) == (0, 0, 0) # range from -pi/2, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi / 2, 0], x0) assert pytest.approx(integral, 1e-3) == (3, 3, 3)
[docs] def test_xtrapz_xtrapz_fxdtheta_xcos(self): r"""Test xtrapz_fxdtheta against :math: `x \cos{x}`. Let's consider a case where the field f(x) = x .. math:: \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}{(x-x_0 \cos\theta)x_0 \cos\theta d\theta} The results: (-pi/2 -> 0): x*x0 - x0^2*pi/4 (-pi -> 0): - x0^2 * pi/2 """ def method(x): """Function that returns x.""" return x ogrid = [np.linspace(0, 2, 3)] trapz_pts = 20 x0 = 3 # range from -pi/2, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi / 2, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3,) assert pytest.approx(integral, 5e-3) == ( -9 * np.pi / 4, 3 - 9 * np.pi / 4, 6 - 9 * np.pi / 4, ) # range from -pi, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3,) assert pytest.approx(integral, 5e-3) == ( -9 / 2 * np.pi, -9 / 2 * np.pi, -9 / 2 * np.pi, )
[docs] def test_xtrapz_xtrapz_fxdtheta_x2cos(self): r"""Test xtrapz_fxdtheta against :math: `x2\cos{x}`. Let's consider a case where the field f(x) = x .. math:: \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}{(x-x_0 \cos\theta)x_0 \cos\theta d\theta} The results: (-pi/2 -> 0): x^2*x0 - pi/2*x*x0^2 + 2/3 * x0^3 (-pi -> 0): - pi*x*x0^2 """ def method(x): """Function that returns :math: `x^2`.""" return x**2 ogrid = [np.linspace(0, 2, 3)] trapz_pts = 20 x0 = 3 # range from -pi/2, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi / 2, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3,) assert pytest.approx(integral, 5e-3) == (18, 21 - 9 / 2 * np.pi, 30 - 9 * np.pi) # range from -pi, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3,) assert pytest.approx(integral, 5e-3) == (0, -9 * np.pi, -18 * np.pi)
[docs] def test_xtrapz_fxdtheta_multidim(self): r"""Test xtrapz_fxdtheta against :math: `x \cos{x}` for multi-dimensions.""" def method(x, y): """Function that depends on x and y.""" return x + 0.5 * y ogrid = np.ogrid[0:2:3j, 0:1:2j] trapz_pts = 20 x0 = 1 # range from -pi/2, 0 integral = xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, trapz_pts, [-np.pi / 2, 0], x0) assert integral.shape == (3, 2) assert pytest.approx(integral, 5e-3) == [ [-np.pi / 4, 0.5 - np.pi / 4], [1 - np.pi / 4, 1.5 - np.pi / 4], [2 - np.pi / 4, 2.5 - np.pi / 4], ]
[docs] class TestXTrapzFieldGradient: """Test trapz field gradient."""
[docs] def test_xtrapz_field_gradient_smallamp(self): r"""Test gradient against a small x0p. When the 0 to the peak is very small compared to the magnet, the field is equivalent to Bzxx. Here we "fake" a small grid step for the x direction, because the grid step here is only used to calculate x_0p. The cantilever is 150 nm away from the sample. """ from mrfmsim.component import RectangularMagnet, Grid magnet = RectangularMagnet( magnet_length=[40.0, 60.0, 100.0], mu0_Ms=1800.0, magnet_origin=[10.0, 0.0, 200.0], ) grid = Grid(grid_shape=[3, 2, 1], grid_step=[50, 50, 50], grid_origin=[0, 0, 0]) trapz_pts = 32 x_0p = 0.01 h = [0, 0, 0] gradient = xtrapz_field_gradient( magnet.Bzx_method, grid.grid_array, h, trapz_pts, x_0p ) real = -magnet.Bzxx_method(*grid.grid_array) assert gradient.shape == (3, 2, 1) assert pytest.approx(gradient, 1e-6) == real
[docs] def test_xtrapz_field_gradient_large_distance(self): """Test gradient against a large tip-sample separation. When the distance is very large, the change of Bzx in between the grid points are small. """ from mrfmsim.component import RectangularMagnet, Grid magnet = RectangularMagnet( magnet_length=[40.0, 60.0, 100.0], mu0_Ms=1800.0, magnet_origin=[10.0, 0.0, 3000.0], ) grid = Grid(grid_shape=[3, 2, 1], grid_step=[50, 50, 50], grid_origin=[0, 0, 0]) trapz_pts = 32 x_0p = 50 h = [0, 0, 0] gradient = xtrapz_field_gradient( magnet.Bzx_method, grid.grid_array, h, trapz_pts, x_0p=x_0p ) real = -magnet.Bzxx_method(*grid.grid_array) assert pytest.approx(gradient, 1e-3) == real
[docs] def test_field_func(): """Test field. Test the field calculation against ogrid and mgrid. """ def field_method(x, y, z): """Field method.""" return x + y + z ogrid = np.ogrid[0:2:3j, 0:1:2j, 0:1:2j] mgrid = np.mgrid[0:2:3j, 0:1:2j, 0:1:2j] assert field_func(field_method, ogrid, [1, 2, 3]).shape == (3, 2, 2) assert np.array_equal( field_func(field_method, mgrid, [1, 2, 3]), field_func(field_method, ogrid, [1, 2, 3]), ) assert np.array_equal( field_func(field_method, mgrid, [1, 2, 3]), ([[-6, -5], [-5, -4]], [[-5, -4], [-4, -3]], [[-4, -3], [-3, -2]]), )
[docs] def test_field_func_singularity(): """Test field when the grid has one point in one direction. In this example, the z direction has only one point. The resulting grid is effectively a 2d plane. """ def field_method(x, y, z): """Field method.""" return x + y + z ogrid = np.ogrid[0:2:2j, 0:1:2j, 0:1:1j] mgrid = np.mgrid[0:2:2j, 0:1:2j, 0:1:1j] assert field_func(field_method, ogrid, [1, 2, 3]).shape == (2, 2, 1) assert np.array_equal( field_func(field_method, mgrid, [1, 2, 3]), field_func(field_method, ogrid, [1, 2, 3]), ) assert np.array_equal( field_func(field_method, mgrid, [1, 2, 3]), ([[-6], [-5]], [[-4], [-3]]), )