CERMIT single spin

CERMIT single spin#


The experiments calculate the effective force on a cantilever from a single electron spin located directly below a magnet-tipped cantilever in the “hangdown” and SPAM geometries. There are two experiments in the group: cantilever spin constant shift calculated using the Trapezoid rule (“CermitSingleSpinApprox”), and cantilever spring constant shift calculated directly using elliptic integrals (“CermitSingleSpin”). The exact solution only works for spin directly under a spherical magnet. The experiments are adopted from Section 3.5 of Eric Moore’s dissertation. [1]

Experiment Summary#


Simulates an MRFM experiment in the "hangdown" or SPAM geometry where a single electron spin is located directly below the tip.

mrfmsim.experiment.CermitSingleSpinGroup = <mrfmsim.group.ExperimentGroup 'CermitSingleSpinGroup'>#

Simulates an MRFM experiment in the “hangdown” or SPAM geometry where a single electron spin is located directly below the tip. With a small tip, the motion of the cantilever is not negligible on the scale of the magnet tip and the tip sample separation. We evaluate the full expression for the change in cantilever frequency including the effect of the oscillating cantilever tip.

  • CermitSingleSpinApprox
    CermitSingleSpinApprox(grid_array, h, magnet, sample, trapz_pts, x_0p)
    returns: dk_spin
    group: CermitSingleSpinGroup
    graph: CermitSingleSpinApprox_graph
    handler: MemHandler
    Approximated solution with Trapezoid rules for single spin CEMRIT ESR. The
    experiment is for a single spin located directly under a spherical magnet.
  • CermitSingleSpin
    CermitSingleSpin(geometry, magnet, magnet_spin_dist, sample, x_0p)
    returns: dk_spin
    group: CermitSingleSpinGroup
    graph: CermitSingleSpin_graph
    handler: MemHandler
    Full spring constant solution using analytical expression. The experiment is for
    a single spin located directly under a spherical magnet.