Source code for tests.test_experiment.test_cermitsinglespin

"""Test the group of CERMIT ESR experiments."""

from mrfmsim.experiment import CermitSingleSpinGroup
from mrfmsim.component import Sample, SphereMagnet
import numpy as np
import pytest

CermitESRSingleSpin = CermitSingleSpinGroup.experiments["CermitSingleSpin"]
CermitSingleSpinApprox = CermitSingleSpinGroup.experiments["CermitSingleSpinApprox"]

[docs] class TestCermitSinglespin: """Test the CERMIT ESR experiment with a single spin. See for the test of the numerical solution. Here, we test that the approximated solution is similar to the exact solution. """
[docs] @pytest.fixture def sample(self): """Return the sample object.""" return Sample( spin="e", temperature=4.2, T1=1.0e-3, T2=450e-9, spin_density=None, )
[docs] @pytest.fixture def n_pts(self): """Number of points in the trapezoid approximation.""" return 40
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("x_0p", np.linspace(5, 245, 3)) def test_cermitesr_singlespin_spam(self, sample, n_pts, x_0p): """Compare the numerical solution with the exact solution.""" ogrid = np.ogrid[0:0:1j, 0:0:1j, 0:0:1j] magnet = SphereMagnet( magnet_radius=3300.0, mu0_Ms=440.0, magnet_origin=[0, 3000, 0] ) approx = CermitSingleSpinApprox( magnet=magnet, sample=sample, grid_array=ogrid, h=[0, 300, 0], x_0p=x_0p, trapz_pts=n_pts, ) exact = CermitESRSingleSpin( magnet=magnet, sample=sample, magnet_spin_dist=300, x_0p=x_0p, geometry="spam", ) assert np.isclose(approx, exact, rtol=1e-6)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("x_0p", np.linspace(5, 245, 3)) def test_cermitesr_singlespin_hangdown(self, sample, n_pts, x_0p): """Compare the numerical solution with the exact solution.""" ogrid = np.ogrid[0:0:1j, 0:0:1j, 0:0:1j] magnet = SphereMagnet( magnet_radius=3300.0, mu0_Ms=440.0, magnet_origin=[0, 0, 4000] ) approx = CermitSingleSpinApprox( magnet=magnet, sample=sample, grid_array=ogrid, h=[0, 0, 300], x_0p=x_0p, trapz_pts=n_pts, ) exact = CermitESRSingleSpin( magnet=magnet, sample=sample, magnet_spin_dist=300, x_0p=x_0p, geometry="hangdown", ) assert np.isclose(approx, exact, rtol=1e-6)