#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Peter Sun
"""Collection of calculations of relative changes in polarization.
import numba
import numpy as np
from .math import as_strided_x
from .field import B_offset
HBAR = 1.054571628e-7 # aN nm s - reduced Planck constant
KB = 1.3806504e4 # aN nm K^{-1} - Boltzmann constant
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_sat_steadystate(B_offset, B1, dB_sat, dB_hom):
r"""Relative change in polarization for steady-state.
Compute and return the sample's *relative* steady-state spin
polarization. As given by the Bloch equations,
.. math::
\Delta\rho_{\text{rel}} = \dfrac{\Delta {\cal M}_z}
{{\cal M}_{z}^{\text{eq}}} = - \dfrac{(B_1 / \Delta B_{\text{sat}})^2}
{1 + (\Delta B_{\text{offset}} / \Delta B_{\text{homog}})^2 +
(B_1 / \Delta B_{\text{sat}})^2}
At resonance,
.. math::
\rho_{\text{rel}} = \dfrac{S}{1+S}
and the change in polarization is governed by the *saturation factor*
.. math::
S = (B_1 / \Delta B_{\text{sat}})^2
:math:`\rho_{\text{rel}}` under irradiation.
:param float dB_hom: the homogeneous linewidth
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{homog}}` [mT]
:param float dB_sat: the saturation linewidth
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{sat}}` [mT]
:param float B_offset: resonant offset
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{offset}}` [mT]
:param float B_1: the amplitude of the applied transverse field
:math:`B_1` [mT]
:return: relative polarization
:rtype: np.array, the same shape as B_offset
s2_term = (B1**2) / (dB_sat**2) # S-squared term
return -1 * s2_term / (1 + B_offset**2 / dB_hom**2 + s2_term)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_ibm_cyclic(B_offset, df_fm, Gamma):
r"""Relative change in polarization for IBM adiabatic rapid passage.
.. math::
\eta \, (\Delta B_{\text{offset}}) = \begin{cases}
\cos^2 \left(\dfrac{\gamma \Delta B_{\text{offset}}}
{2 \: \Delta f_{\text{FM}}} \right) & \text{for }
\Delta B_{\text{offset}}
\leq \pi \Delta f_{\text{FM}} / \gamma, \\
0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}
.. math::
\Delta B_{\text{offset}} = B_0 - 2 \pi f_{\text{rf}} / \, \gamma
The result added in pol_arp
the negative sign for it is the signal of final - initial.
:param float Gamma: the gyromagnetic ratio [rad/s.mT]
:param float B_offset: resonant offset
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{offset}}` [mT]
:param float df_fm: the peak-to-peak frequency modulation
:math:`\Delta df_{\text{FM}}` of the applied transverse
radio frequency magnetic field [Hz]
:return: relative change in polarization
:rtype: np.array, the same shape as B_offset
b_crit = np.pi * df_fm / Gamma
pol_arp = -np.cos(B_offset * Gamma / (2.0 * df_fm)) ** 2
# enforce the limit of b_offset, if b_offset > b_crit or
# b_offset < - b_crit, the polarization is 0
return (np.abs(B_offset) < b_crit) * pol_arp
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_arp(B_offset, B1, df_fm, Gamma):
r"""Relative change in polarization for adiabatic rapid passage.
Compute the resonance offset at each point in the sample and compute
the change in the polarization at each point in the sample following the
adiabatic rapid passage. The experiment here is a swept-field experiment
or a swept-tip experiment, where
.. math::
\Delta B_\text{offset} =
B_0 + B_\text{tip} - 2 \pi f_\text{rf}/\gamma
.. math::
\Omega_\text{initial} = B_0 + B_\text{tip} -
(2 \pi f_\text{rf}/\gamma - 2 \pi \Delta f_\text{FM}/\gamma)
= \Delta B_\text{offset} + 2 \pi \Delta f_\text{FM} / \gamma
:param float Gamma: the gyromagnetic ratio [rad/s.mT]
:param float B_offset: resonance offset field :math:`\Delta B_{\text{offset}}` [mT]
:param float B_1: amplitude :math:`B_1` of the applied transverse field [mT]
:param float df_fm: the peak-to-peak frequency modulation :math:`\Delta f_{\text{FM}}`
of the applied transverse radio frequency magnetic field [Hz]
:return: relative change in polarization
:rtype: np.array, the same shape as B_offset
om_i = (B_offset + 2 * np.pi * df_fm / (2.0 * Gamma)) / B1
om_f = (B_offset - 2 * np.pi * df_fm / (2.0 * Gamma)) / B1
return om_i * om_f / np.sqrt((om_i * om_i + 1.0) * (om_f * om_f + 1.0)) - 1.0
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_periodic_irrad(B_offset, B1, dB_sat, dB_hom, T1, t_on, t_off):
r"""Relative change in polarization for intermittent irradiation.
.. math::
\langle \Delta M_z \rangle = - \frac{S^2 \, M_0}{1 + S^2 + \Omega^2}
\left(\frac{1}{r_1} \frac{1}{\tau_\text{on}+\tau_\text{off}}
\frac{(1 - E_\text{on})(1 - E_\text{off})}
{1 - E_\text{on} \, E_\text{off}}
\frac{S^2}{1 + S^2 + \Omega^2} + \frac{\tau_\text{on}}
:param float dB_hom: the homogeneous linewidth [mT]
:param float dB_sat: the saturation linewidth [mT]
:param float B_offset: resonant offset
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{offset}}` [mT]
:param float B_1: the amplitude
:math:`B_1` of the applied transverse field [mT]
:param float t_1: spin-lattice relaxation [s]
:param float t_on: time with the microwaves on [s]
:param float t_off: time with the microwaves off [s]
:return: relative change in polarization
:rtype: np.array, the same shape as B_offset
r1 = 1 / T1
s2_term = B1**2 / dB_sat**2 # S-squared term
e_on = np.exp(-r1 * t_on * (1 + s2_term / (1 + B_offset**2 / dB_hom**2)))
e_off = np.exp(-r1 * t_off)
ratio = s2_term / (1 + B_offset**2 / dB_hom**2 + s2_term)
return -ratio * (
(1 / r1)
* (1 / (t_off + t_on))
* (1 - e_on)
* (1 - e_off)
/ (1 - e_on * e_off)
* ratio
+ t_on / (t_on + t_off)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_nut(B_offset, B1, Gamma, t_p):
r"""Relative change in polarization under the evolution of irradiation.
.. math::
\rho_{\mathrm{rel}} = \frac{\Delta M_{z}}{M_{z}(0)}
= \frac{1}{\Omega^2+1}
(1 + \cos{(\Omega_1 t_p \sqrt{\Omega^2+1})})
.. math::
\Delta B_{\mathrm{offset}} = B_z(\vec{r}) - \omega/\gamma
the resonance offset field and
.. math::
\Omega_1 = \gamma B_1
.. math::
\Omega = \frac{\Delta B_{\mathrm{offset}}}{B_1}
the unitless resonance offset.
:param float Gamma: the gyromagnetic ratio. [rad/s.mT]
:param float B_offset: resonance offset field
:math:`\Delta B_{\text{offset}}` [mT]
:param float B_1: amplitude of the applied transverse field
:math:`B_{\text{1}}` [mT]
:param float t_p: pulse time :math:`t_{\mathrm{p}}` [s]
:return: relative polarization
:rtype: np.array, the same shape as B_offset
omega_term = (B_offset / B1) ** 2 + 1
theta = B1 * Gamma * t_p
rel_dpol = np.cos(theta * np.sqrt(omega_term)) / omega_term - 1
return rel_dpol
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def rel_dpol_nut_multi_freq_pulse(B_tot, B1, f_rf_array, Gamma, t_p):
"""Nutation experiments where different frequencies are applied in steps.
The polarization is aggregated as a product.
pol = np.ones(B_tot.shape)
for f_rf in f_rf_array:
b_offset = B_offset(B_tot, f_rf, Gamma)
pol *= rel_dpol_nut(b_offset, B1, Gamma, t_p) + 1
return pol - 1
def rel_dpol_sat_td(Bzx, B1, ext_B_offset, ext_pts, Gamma, T2, tip_v):
"""Relative change in polarization for time-dependent saturation.
The result is not a steady-state solution because it ignores T1 relaxation.
# ignore division error the Exp takes care of the inf, and nan
np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
omega_offset_atan = np.arctan(ext_B_offset * Gamma * T2)
atan_omega_i = omega_offset_atan[: -ext_pts * 2]
atan_omega_f = omega_offset_atan[ext_pts * 2 :]
div = np.divide(atan_omega_f - atan_omega_i, Bzx)
# adjust for the center slice of the discontinuous issue
center_index = div.shape[0] // 2 # if the grid is even it should not be a problem
if np.all(np.isnan(div[center_index])):
div[center_index] = (div[center_index + 1] + div[center_index - 1]) / 2
rt = Gamma * B1**2 * np.abs(div) / tip_v
dpol = np.exp(-rt)
return dpol - 1
def rel_dpol_sat_td_smallsteps(B1, ext_Bzx, ext_B_offset, ext_pts, Gamma, T2, tip_v):
"""Small step approximation of the time-dependent relative change in polarization."""
# ignore division error
np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
omega_offset_atan = np.arctan(ext_B_offset * Gamma * T2)
# Using strides is faster than convolution on large datasets
offset_atan_diff = np.diff(omega_offset_atan, axis=0)
Bzx_rmean = as_strided_x(ext_Bzx, 2).mean(axis=1)
f_array = np.nan_to_num(np.abs((offset_atan_diff) / Bzx_rmean))
f_array_sum = as_strided_x(f_array, ext_pts * 2).sum(axis=1)
rt = Gamma * B1**2 * f_array_sum / tip_v
dpol = np.exp(-rt)
return dpol - 1
def rel_dpol_multipulse(rel_dpol, T1, dt_pulse):
"""Calculate the average relative change in polarization after multiple pulses.
The formula ignores relaxation during pulses.
:param float dt_pulse: time between pulses
pol = rel_dpol + 1
t_r = dt_pulse / T1
rel_dpol_avg = (np.exp(t_r) - 1) * rel_dpol / t_r / (np.exp(t_r) - pol)
return rel_dpol_avg