Source code for mrfmsim.formula.magnetization
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
HBAR = 1.054571628e-7 # aN nm s - reduced Planck constant
KB = 1.3806504e4 # aN nm K^{-1} - Boltzmann constant
@nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def mz_eq(B_tot, Gamma, J, temperature):
r"""Magnetization per spin at the thermal equilibrium using the Brillouin function.
:param float gamma: the gyromagnetic ratio. [rad/s.mT]
:param float j: total spin angular momentum
:param float temperature: the spin temperature [K]
:param float spin_density: the sample spin
density :math:`\rho` [1/nm^3]
:param float b0: the external magnetic field [mT]
:param float bz: tip magnetic field in z [mT]
:return: equilibrium per-spin magnetization [aN.nm/mT]
The outputs are calculated from the sample properties
.. math::
J &= \text{spin angular momentum quantum number}\:
\gamma & = \text{gyromagnetic ratio} \:
[\mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{mT}^{-1}] \\
B_0 &= \text{applied magnetic field} \: [\mathrm{mT}] \\
T &= \text{temperature} \: [\mathrm{K}] \\
\rho &= \text{spin density} \: [\mathrm{nm}^{-1}]
as follows. From the sample properties, we compute the magnetic moment
:math:`\mu` of the state with the largest :math:`m_J` quantum number,
.. math::
\mu = \hbar\gamma J \: [\mathrm{aN} \: \mathrm{nm} \:
We calculate the ratio of the energy level splitting of spin states to
the thermal energy,
.. math::
x = \dfrac{\mu B_0}{k_b T} \: [\mathrm{unitless}],
and define the following two unitless numbers:
.. math::
a &= \dfrac{2 \: J + 1}{2 \: J} \\
b &= \dfrac{1}{2 \: J}
In terms of these intermediate quantities, the thermal-equilibrium
polarization is given by
.. math::
p_{\text{eq}} = a \coth{(a x)} - b \coth{(b x)}
\: [\mathrm{unitless}].
The equilibrium magnetization is given by
.. math::
{\cal M}_{z}^{\text{eq}} =
p_{\text{eq}} \: \mu \:
[\mathrm{aN} \: \mathrm{nm} \: \mathrm{mT}^{-1}].
In the limit of low field or high temperature,
the equilibrium magnetization
tends towards the Curie-Weiss law,
.. math::
{\cal M}_{z}^{\text{eq}}
\approx \dfrac{\hbar^2 \gamma^2 \: J (J + 1)}{3 \: k_b T} B_0
mu_z = HBAR * Gamma * J # aN nm s * rad/s mT = aN nm/mT
x = (mu_z * B_tot) / (KB * temperature) # unitless
a = (2.0 * J + 1.0) / (2.0 * J) # unitless
b = 1.0 / (2.0 * J) # unitless
pol_eq = a / np.tanh(a * x) - b / np.tanh(b * x)
return mu_z * pol_eq # [aN.nm/mT]
def mz2_eq(Gamma, J):
r"""Compute the magnetization variance per spin.
:param float gamma: the gyromagnetic ratio. [rad/s.mT]
:param float J: total spin angular momentum
:return: Mz2_eq, rhoMz_eq
mu = HBAR * Gamma * np.sqrt(J * (J + 1) / 3.0) # aN.nm/mT
return mu**2 # aN^2