"""Cacluations related to the magnetic field."""
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from .math import as_strided_x
from operator import sub
@nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def B_offset(B_tot, f_rf, Gamma):
"""Calculate the resonance offset."""
return B_tot - 2 * np.pi * f_rf / Gamma
def min_abs_offset(ext_B_offset, ext_pts):
r"""Minimum absolute value of a matrix in x direction based on the window.
The function is used to calculate the minimum B_offset during a saturation
For each x-data point in the sample, calculate the resonance offset over
the expanded grid. The points to the left and right of each grid point
give the resonance offset as the cantilever moves. The algorithm finds the
minimum resonance offset over the range of array values corresponding to the
cantilever motion and computes the saturation polarization using that
minimum offset and the given :math:`B_1` value.
To calculate the spin polarization profile resulting from the cantilever
moving while spin-saturating irradiation is applied, we use the following
If the resonance offset changed sign during the sweep, then the spin
must have experienced a zero resonance offset during the sweep, so set
the resonance offset to zero manually.
This procedure mitigates the problem of previous algorithms not finding
the true minimum resonance offset (and polarization) due to the finite grid
size. While this new procedure will still not capture the shape of the
polarization at the edge of the sensitive slice, it should produce a
polarization that is properly saturated inside the sensitive slice.
This is used for calculating :math:`\delta F` of the experiment
calculate the corresponding gradient based on the grid array
points and tip-sample separation (equation 3 in "Overview").
The integral is approximated with Trapezoid summation over
:math:`2 \pi` with n points.
The summation is over pi to increase the performance since it is
symmetric in :math:`[-\pi, 0]` to :math:`[0, \pi]` for the summation.
.. math::
\Delta f = \frac{\sum_j \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \mu_z(\vec{r}_j,\theta)
\frac{\partial B_z^\mathrm{tip}(x - x_\mathrm{pk} \cos{\theta},y,z)}{\partial x}
x_\mathrm{pk} \cos{\theta} d\theta}{\pi x_\mathrm{pk}^2}
:param float ext_B_offset: resonance offset of extended grid [mT]
:param int ext_pts: number of grid points used to determine the minimum offset
window = 2 * ext_pts + 1
b_offset_strided = as_strided_x(ext_B_offset, window)
b_offset_abs_strided = as_strided_x(abs(ext_B_offset), window)
return b_offset_abs_strided.min(axis=1) * np.logical_or(
np.all(b_offset_strided > 0, axis=1),
np.all(b_offset_strided < 0, axis=1),
def xtrapz_fxdtheta(method, ogrid, n_pts, xrange, x_0p):
r"""Calculate the integral of a function over a range of theta.
The calculation is done by extend the original ogrid to a new grid
by extend the number of points in the x direction.
.. math::
\int_{x_\mathrm{min}}^{x_\mathrm{max}} f(x - x_0\cos\theta)x_0\cos\theta d\theta
theta = np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], n_pts)
grid_shape = tuple(np.prod(list(map(np.shape, ogrid)), axis=0))
grid_shape_x = grid_shape[0]
grid_dim = len(grid_shape)
# calculate the new grid
new_ogrid_shape = np.ones(grid_dim)
new_ogrid_shape[0] = n_pts * grid_shape_x
new_ogrid_shape = new_ogrid_shape.astype(int)
# expand the dimension to (pts, 1, 1, 1)
# expand the x grid dimension to (1, x_shape, 1, 1)
# The result of addition is (pts, x_shape, 1, 1)
# the final (x, y, z) is (pts * x_shape, 1, 1)
grid_x = np.expand_dims(ogrid[0], axis=0)
dx = np.expand_dims(x_0p * np.cos(theta), axis=list(range(1, grid_dim + 1)))
new_ogrid = [(grid_x - dx).reshape(new_ogrid_shape)] + list(ogrid[1:])
# calculate the integral
# new grid shape is (trapz_pts, x_shape, y_shape, z_shape)
# dx has the shape of (trapz_pts, 1, 1, 1)
# The multiplication is also an optimization here
new_grid_shape = (n_pts,) + grid_shape
integrand = method(*new_ogrid).reshape(new_grid_shape) * dx
return np.trapz(integrand, x=theta, axis=0)
def xtrapz_field_gradient(Bzx_method, grid_array, h, trapz_pts, x_0p):
r"""Calculate CERMIT integral using Trapezoidal summation.
The integrand is an odd function. Therefore, we can approximate the
integral from :math:`-\pi` to :math:`\pi` and :math:`-\pi` to 0. Here, we make an important
assumption that the magnet is symmetric in the x direction. Therefore,
we approximate the integral from :math:`-\pi/2` to 0 and time the final result by 2.
The result has the unit of mT/nm^2.
:param list grid_array: ogrid generated by a numpy ogrid
For a one-dimensional grid, the ogrid should be encapsulated in a list
:param list h: tip-sample separation
:param int trapz_pts: points to integrate across :math: `\pi`.
In this particular implementation, the number is divided by 2 for
[:math:`-\pi/2`, 0 ] integration.
grid = list(map(sub, grid_array, h))
n_pts = int(trapz_pts / 2)
integral = 2 * xtrapz_fxdtheta(Bzx_method, grid, n_pts, [-np.pi, 0], x_0p)
return integral / x_0p**2 / np.pi
def field_func(method, grid_array, h):
"""Calculate the field value at the given height and grid points."""
grid = list(map(sub, grid_array, h))
return method(*grid)