Source code for mrfmsim.component.sample

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from mrfmsim.component import ComponentBase

spin_dict = {
    # note: not accounting for the g-factor of the electron spin;
    "e": {"Gamma": 1.760859708e8, "J": 0.5},  # rad/s.mT
    "1H": {"Gamma": 2.675222005e05, "J": 0.5},  # rad/s.mT
    "71Ga": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 12.98e3, "J": 1.5},  # rad/s.mT
    "19F": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 40.05e3, "J": 0.5},  # rad/s.mT
    "2H": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 6.536e3, "J": 1.0},  # rad/s.mT

[docs]@dataclass class Sample(ComponentBase): r"""Sample object for magnetic resonance force microscopy experiments. For spins 'e', '1H', '71Ga', '19F', or '2H' the Gamma and J are preset. For other spins, input the name, Gamma and J directly. :param str spin: spin type :param float T1: spin-lattice relaxation :math:`T_1` [s] :param float T2: spin-spin relaxation :math:`T_2` [s] :param float temperature: the sample temperature [K] :param float spin_density: the sample spin density :math:`\rho` [1/nm^3] :param float Gamma: spin gyromagnetic ratio [rad/s.mT] defaults to None if spin_type is one of the preset :param float L: spin angular momentum [unitless] default to None if spin_type is one of the preset :param float dB_hom: homogeneous linewidth [mT] :param float dB_sat: saturation linewidth [mT] """ spin: str T1: float = field(metadata={"unit": "s", "format": ".3e"}) T2: float = field(metadata={"unit": "s", "format": ".3e"}) temperature: float = field(metadata={"unit": "K"}) spin_density: float = field(metadata={"unit": "1/nm^3"}) Gamma: float = field(default=None, metadata={"unit": "rad/(s.mT)", "format": ".3e"}) J: float = field(default=None, metadata={"format": ".1f"}) dB_hom: float = field(init=False, default=None, metadata={"unit": "mT"}) dB_sat: float = field(init=False, default=None, metadata={"unit": "mT"}) def __post_init__(self): self.Gamma = self.Gamma or spin_dict[self.spin]["Gamma"] # rad/s.mT self.J = self.J or spin_dict[self.spin]["J"] self.dB_hom = 1 / (self.Gamma * self.T2) # mT self.dB_sat = 1 / (self.Gamma * np.sqrt(self.T1 * self.T2)) # mT
# class Sample: # r"""Sample object for magnetic resonance force microscopy experiments. # The **Sample** carries the properties of the nuclear or electron # spins in the sample. # The default spin type includes the properties of # 'electron', '1H', '2H', '19F', '71Ga'. For spin that is not included # simply provide a name for spin, gamma, and j. # :cvar float hbar: reduced Plank constant, unit [aN nm s] # :cvar float kB: Boltzmann constant [aN nm k:math:'^{-1}'] # """ # hbar = 1.054571628e-7 # aN nm s - reduced Plank constant # kB = 1.3806504e4 # aN nm K^{-1} - Boltzmann constant # _spintype = { # # note: not accounting for the g-factor of the electron spin; # "electron": {"Gamma": 1.760859708e8, "J": 0.5}, # rad/s.mT # "1H": {"Gamma": 2.675222005e05, "J": 0.5}, # rad/s.mT # "71Ga": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 12.98e3, "J": 1.5}, # rad/s.mT # "19F": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 40.05e3, "J": 0.5}, # rad/s.mT # "2H": {"Gamma": 2.0 * np.pi * 6.536e3, "J": 1.0}, # rad/s.mT # } # def __init__( # self, spin_type, T1, T2, temperature, spin_density, Gamma=None, J=None # ): # r"""Initialize sample object. # The values for the gyromagnetic ratio and total spin angular momentum # are populated automatically based on the nucleus. # The homogeneous linewidth ``dB_hom`` is defined as # .. math:: # \Delta B_{\text{homog}} = \dfrac{1}{\gamma T_2}. # The saturation linewidth ``dB_sat`` is defined as # .. math:: # \Delta B_{\text{sat}} = \dfrac{1}{\gamma \sqrt{T_1 \: T_2}}. # The variance in a single spin's magnetization in the low-polarization limit (mz2_eq) # is given by [#Xue]_ # .. math:: # \sigma_{{\cal M}_{z}}^{2} = \hbar^2 \gamma^2 \dfrac{J \: (J + 1)}{3} # :param str spin_type: 'e', '1H', '71Ga', '19F', or '2H' # :param float T1: the spin-lattice relaxation time :math:`T_1` [s] # :param float T2: spin dephasing time :math:`T_2` [s] # :param float spin_density: the sample spin # density :math:`\rho` [1/nm^3]; *note the units* # :param float Gamma: spin gyromagnetic ratio [rad/s.mT] # defaults to None if spin_type is one of the preset # :param float J: total spin angular momentum [unitless] # default to None if spin_type is one of the preset # :ivar float Gamma: gyromagnetic ratio [rad/s.mT] # :ivar float dB_hom: the homogeneous linewidth [mT] # :ivar float dB_sat: the saturation linewidth [mT] # .. [#Xue] Equations 1 and 2 in Xue, F.; Weber, D.; Peddibhotla, P. & Poggio, M. # "Measurement of statistical nuclear spin polarization in a nanoscale GaAs sample", # *Phys. Rev. B*, **2011**, *84*, 205328 # [`10.1103/PhysRevB.84.205328 <>`__]. # """ # self.spin_type = spin_type # self.Gamma = Gamma or self._spintype[spin_type]["Gamma"] # rad/s.mT # self.J = J or self._spintype[spin_type]["J"] # self.mu_z = self.hbar * self.Gamma * self.J # self.T1 = T1 # self.T2 = T2 # self.spin_density = spin_density # self.dB_hom = 1 / (self.Gamma * self.T2) # mT # self.dB_sat = 1 / (self.Gamma * np.sqrt(self.T1 * self.T2)) # mT # self.f_larmor = self.Gamma * 1e3 / (2 * np.pi) # self.temperature = temperature # # calculate the mz2_eq # self.mz2_eq = ( # self.hbar * self.Gamma * np.sqrt(self.J * (self.J + 1) / 3.0) # ) ** 2 # (aN.nm/mT)^2 # unit: str = field(init=False, default=None) # def __post_init__(self): # self.registry = get_unit_registry(**asdict(self)) # if self.registry is not None: # self.unit = self.registry.default_system